Thursday 29 November 2012

Boot 'iful

Winter is most definitely upon us and the ever present danger of getting absolutely soaked in London usually ends up in the rat drowning scenario dreaded when leaving work of an evening. Stepping down off the pavement into a foot of water built up over a leaf blocked storm drain while concentrating on not being run down.

What you can do is arm yourself with the suitable accoutrements of a fly fisherman. Waders? check, bucket hat, check, waterproof mac, check, psch as if.

The mac I can work with, elsewhere the main combatant of the changeable climate is a decent pair of boots. Just in case you weren't aware wearing wellingtons in any city just makes you look lost and just because you're wearing a flat cap and grew up on a farm, that doesn't make it OK.

Bollocks to the rain drenched pavements, BOOT UP!

1. Grenson Clyde
2. Grenson Fred Commando Sole
3. Loake Bedale
4. Cheaney Tweed Commando Sole
5. Alfred Sargent Cambridge
6. Common People Brogue Boot
7. Cheaney Pennine
8. Alfred Sargent Hannover Commando Sole
9. Dr. Martens Anthony Boot

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