Shoes are the best place to start, especially for men, choices are limited and knowledge is king. Unfortunately this is a department in which you will need to speculate to accumulate, good shoes come at a price, but with the right information you can pick up a pair of creepers that will last you a lifetime.
'You can tell a lot about a man by his shoes' it's true, not based on cost but on condition and how well kept they are, look after your shoes and the rest of your outfit will look after itself.
Whilst we're talking about care, a good pair of shoe trees is a maligned commodity. If you want to keep your shoes looking their best socks, hangers and all those other stop gaps will only do so much.
If you want something that will look good with almost anything you could do far worse than a nice pair of brogues.
Churches is the pinnacle of the brogue tree in my eyes, but Loake are a brilliant alternative and they have a range varying in price based on the grade of finish so you can budget accordingly. The Sovereign are a long wing brogue with a rubber, welted sole so they'll hold up come rain or shine.
Churches is the pinnacle of the brogue tree in my eyes, but Loake are a brilliant alternative and they have a range varying in price based on the grade of finish so you can budget accordingly. The Sovereign are a long wing brogue with a rubber, welted sole so they'll hold up come rain or shine.
Brogues go great with suits for a refined gent's look or with cargo pants and a good knitted jumper for a more preppy casual look.
If you want to push the boat out and go for something a bit more 'high shine' Grenson are an old British heritage brand that have recently been taken on by Tim Little. The Sid in burgundy is a bit of a show stopper and the contrasting soles will draw attention.
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